Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day ................... for myths and legends

If you're a proper, experienced gardener you probably have never seen these exotic looking flowers. They can grow incredibly high and look a bit like triffids or something like that from outer space.

The reason why you won't have seen them is that you are supposed to cut them off immediately they start to form - that's what all the books say. Just google 'rhubarb flowers' and there will be page after page explaining that if the rhubarb flower is left on the plant, the root will be weakened & the stalks will be weak and thin.

All I can say to that is - COMPLETE RUBBISH! We have the biggest, strongest, multi-stalked rhubarb you could ever wish for. We can't keep up with it - we give loads away to long-suffering friends and neighbours. We like the flowers and if we didn't let it flower - it would take over the planet ..........................

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