A Year Through My Eyes

By egbaldwin


Day 132
Working in primary schools has its entertaining moments......now bearing in mind, im 23 and single....have never mentioned any man to these kids.....

The class were being overly boysterous becasue I was there and they wanted to get the class room session done quicker to play tag rugby quicker.....so their class teacher jokingly said that Saturday detentions could be implemented to catch up on all the maths work they werent doing in my sessions....so I chipped in saying that I was free saturday mornings so it would be no problem coming down to over see them.....(then magic lol)

Kid: 'But miss.....wont you be busy on saturday?'
Me:'Doing what?'
Kid: 'Like getting Married'
Me: 'Getting Married???? Since When??'
Kid: 'Well arent you??'
Me: 'Errrmmmm that would be a no for the time being.....will keep you posted'

Me: (trying not to laugh out loud)

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