Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

crap, blip I'm falling out of love with you

I have been aware that my memory card has been a bit temperamental recently and as I was popping it into the computer just now, the lock button came off and the computer didn't recognise it anyway.... feeling pretty cross because I think that I had a good day of photos. So, in a clumsy attempt to get a posting I have taken photos from the display screen of my camera using our other camera, which Rudy likes to drop (he's a bit experimental in his approach) and therefore the quality is as expected - mind you I have taken a few more from the camera screen which you can see here , and I think the hazy quality works quite well. But, I thought this picture of an exhausted Rudy better summed up our day


Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee

Rudy does cope pretty well with the majority of the stuff we take him to, but even the most stalwart of exhibition goers will find the degree shows a lot to take in. So, here he is hot and a bit bothered, taking a wee break before the final floor. Was lovely to see the work of two ex-students (brilliant work, of course) and to bump into another who is also doing very well. And, I have just given myself a bit of a fright as next week it is the turn of our students. And then it is nearly the summer holidays. Oh yes.

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