Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery

Moth Patrol

Today I have been battling moths. I am moth hunter supreme. As I wielded the tube of death (the hoover) moths panic and flutter madly. They cower beneath my steely gaze of destrusction. I am invincible...

Or at least this is what I told myself as I hauled furniture about, hoovering and dusting wildly, and at points leaping round the room chasing the little buggers (all the while wearing a very fetching black ensemble - super hero stylie). I initially thought that the fumigation smoke bomb I viewed online was too extreme and chemically based for my particular brand of warfare. After all that it's feeling like the easy option. Do I really need to be able to breathe fresh air in my bed room - surely it's optional?

Good job I went out with Shereen after and got a wee bit half cut. Just remembered - I've still got the bed to change. Happy Saturday land of blip.

(This blanket is the most likely suspect for the moth problems, isn't it gorgeous though? I can't really hold a grudge.)

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