Niall Today

By niallToday

Couchsurfers Welcome

Last weekend I finally finished decorating my spare room so that Couchsurfers and perhaps eventually a lodger can stay there. I put together a bedside cabinet and a wardrobe, which was quite tricky.

I hosted my first couch-surfer today, Rami. Picked him up from the airport at 9.30pm and dropped him back there at 5am!
We had a bit of a chat. He was the perfect guest. He bought me a lovely tie by way of a thankyou. I wore it to work and everyone said how smart I looked (which kind of implies that it was an extraordinary event)

The reason for the photo though (which doesn't really show the wardrobe or the cabinet or Rami for that matter) was to show my alternative to wallpaper - cloth. I bought 4m by 2m of this black patterned cloth and hung it on the wall with tacks (which means it can easily be taken down if I or the next inhabitant of the house change our minds).

It took about a twentieth of the time to put up, cost the same as the wallpaper and didnt involve getting glue everywhere. It hides all the bumps in the wall. I think it looks really smart.

So, now you know.

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