Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

Attack of the Crickets! ARGHHHHHH!!

So the world never ended huh? Oh well, I can't put cleaning the outside windows any longer then, which means not much time for playing today.

I have also worked out why I have been dissatisfied with some of my photos lately! It's this new wide screen laptop, it's distorting the quality some what, viewed some on my old monitor yesterday and they are a hundred times better, not as bad as I thought they were afterall!

Bought some meal worms today in an attempt to get some nice close-ups of the robins. They are not the same ones here a few weeks ago though and they are very weary of me. I should think a few days of mealworms will hopefully show them I come in peace and I will get my shot....eventually! I did get a shot of the Robin once he had pinched one of the mealworms but it's not much better than the ones I have posted before....I need to get closer!

So today we'll have to make do with this cricket who was climbing up my very dirty soon to be cleaned window!

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