Alors voilà...

By so


This picture of the sun coming out after a dark spell does reflect my mood today.
I am now, as of yesterday evening, and for the next 10 days, on ho-li-day, yes! Going away on Wednesday, I will spend a week without blip but be assured I will take pictures every day and backblip them.

As for this shot, well, I was busy all day preparing for my trip, and decided to have a short walk around the neigbourhood on a hunt for shots to take. Of course, it started to rain just one minute after I went outside... A welcome summer shower (28°c here today) but not good for my camera. Then, while I was waiting under a porch, this sight of the wet and bright pavement just jumped at me! So here you are. I did convert it to B&W but it was pretty much monochrome already.

Hope you all had a nice Sunday!

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