Rich Dyson

By EdinImage

Urban Photo Lesson

I've spent today trialling what could be a side-job in the future by giving a photography lesson pitched at people who may have bought a camera to go on holiday with and haven't switched away from the programmed automatic modes. The format is going to be a short classroom (well actually juice bar) session where we talk about aperture, shutter speed and ISO as well as introducing a few simple rules of composition and then we will go out around the city putting the theory into practice. The initial feedback was really great and so I just need to make one or two tweaks and then start to use social media to find willing participants who will pay to learn how to use their new toys.

I'll probably need to do another dry run soon, ideally with someone who is very unsavvy with technology so obviously nobody on here, however, if you know someone who doesn't use technology well, has a new camera and is annoying the bejesus out of you then point them my way and let me try to see if I really have produced an idiots guide.

Incidentally I will make this my Weekend Blip Challenge Photo instead of relying on Friday's terrible joke!

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