
By FauxPunk

Back in the Land of the Living

'tis moi!

And I'm alive!

Woke up feeling a million times better today, so wasn't too gutted about having to work. I'm still kinda miffed that that's my weekend gone though, but never mind. Turned out to be the easiest shift ever, so can't complain that I got double bubble for it.

Afterwards came home to find Mathew had cleaned the whole house. I'm normally pretty good at doing the kitchen on my day off, but yesterday was a write-off. He went to town on it today, stripping all the bits out of the oven to give it an amaaaazing clean. So much so that we had to go out for dinner, as he couldn't face dirtying anything again. Went to a new place by the football stadium - they do carvery. I was kinda disappointed. Mathew was uber disappointed. Apparently their beef is too beefy :-s

Still had some energy left over, so played with lights for a bit. I like this one - not because it's a particularly good photograph, but because I think I've mastered the art of that brilliant white background. I didn't have to mess with the exposure at all, although I'll admit to adding some recovery in photoshop to better-define my outline... I think I know how to fix that without the photoshop in the real world though. Practice practice practice.

There was another shot that looked a bit like a camp terminator (the gayminator?) but it had to be deleted. It won't be back.

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