
By transparency


I picked up T from his dad's house a couple of hours before his 6th birthday party started. He opened his gifts from me. This is his reaction to a DVD about cowboys, for kids, I got him. When he gets into his cowboy outfit, he frequently asks me if we have any movies about cowboys. Well, now we do.
We had friends and family over to celebrate Torin's 6th year of life. Grilled burgers and hot dogs and ate a yummy selection of homemade snacks and fruit. A good time was had by all. Smiles all around. We unveiled the much anticipated (ha!) triceratops birthday cake. See it here, in a back blip.
Torin just dozed off on the couch watching Tron Legacy. We saw it in the theater and he loves it. He got a few Tron toys today, and wanted to hold them while he watched them on-screen.
Time for Mom to watch a movie of her own. Night blipland!

Back blip:
Piece of cake

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