frames of mind

By themike

we're getting old

(pictured: an out-of-breath Kelvin, resting after the first game of the night)

After who knows how long (8, 9 years?), the old high-school lasertag brute squad, minus a few members, plus some new Chinese friends, went to the Concord Q-Zar to "pwnz noobs" in celebration of Darrell getting older. We accomplished the celebration part of the mission. We had difficulty carrying out the other half.

I assumed the role of the old crotchety man for the night, spitting vitriolic comments at the youths we were matched against. Bunch of honorless cheaters, the whole lot of them! I was this close to breaking the "no foul language" rule, many times over. The only time I had more fun moments than frustrating ones was during the third game, where 99% of the youths had already been picked up by their SUV-driving moms and were therefore no longer able to spoil my lasertagging fun. Bah... hooligans! *shakes his cane*

Fortunately, my blood pressure was reset to normal levels when we went to Denny's afterward to eat, drink, and play insanely hard games of 20 questions. Fireplaces for the win!

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