Down on the Corner - Johnny Marr and the Healers

This is the most interesting corner I've seen today. I had a break between classes from half past one until six so I headed into town. I can't say I ever noticed this sign before and, if I'm honest it was teh skull mosaic that drew my attention rather than the plaque.

I'm certain the tourists usually pay more attention to this sort of stuff than the locals though.

The song to go with the image is probably my favourite one from Boomslang, an album by one of Johnny Marr's many post Smiths projects (others have included working wit Talking Heads, The The. Modest Mouse and, most recently, The Cribs). It's a pretty decent album. I don't think it's up to the standard of the Smiths but then very little is. That's just my opinion though, I'd imagine there are many people out there who never really got Morrissey who'd prefer this as the musicianship is undoubtably very good.

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