Nell's World

By nell2803

Let There Be Light

Dreadful day weatherwise.

Went to the garden centre this morning. It was wet and very windy. Outside there is a lovely pond with bridges. The sky cleared and the sun came out for approximately ten minutes so, I scurried outside complete with camera bag. It was still very windy and I was struggling to stand still myself let alone take shots of foliage.

My next desperate attempt was to take some photos through the car window of some workmen. No success.

When we got home and I looked at my shots on the computer I realised I was heading into panic territory especially as the light bulbs my husband replaced this morning were starting to look attractive.

Nothing to loose I took some shots of them and, if I say so myself, I am rather pleased with them.

Proves, yet again, that sometimes the simplest things make the best blips.

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