Historic Election Result

For the first time in Spain's young democracy, the Catalonia CiU (Convergence and Union) party has won the mayorship of Barcelona, held during these last 32 years by the socialist PSC/PSOE party, including during the marvellous Olympic years that culminated in the 1992 Olympic Games being held in the city.

I don't follow the detail of the parties' policies very closely but the CiU are Catalan conservatives, not in favour of independence but fierce upholders of the national identity. I knew they were relatively right wing, but still today's cartoon in the leading La Vanguardia newspaper by their chief cartoonist, sent shivers down my spine. The 'smile' is the CiU logo for this campaign, the moustache added by the cartoonist who is paid to have his finger on the pulse.

For those less interested in politics, there is a relatively soothing back blip for yesterday of a pretty Catalonian coastline...here.

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