Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

The Cycle Smith

...has a sense of humour, the stone reads;

Her Hviler
Den Hund
Der Sidst
Sked Her

Here Rests
The Dog
That Last
Shat Here

One of the signs here declares "Olden Days Cycle Smith" and he is all that and more, a real character and the bloke that got my old bike up and running (a small miricle I thought). He kindly agreed to a photo but they were shockingly poor so I stuck with my original idea, the stone. I'll have to go back 'cos you have to see this guy, in his 60's, bold with handelbar moustache and tattoos.

Like many businesses in Copenhagen this one is based in the cellar of one of the towns prolific number of appartment blocks. Just thought I'd mention that before any comments on the height of the windows. Thought I'd turn to b&w as there was very little colour here any way and I havn't done one in a very long time.

I like that they are called Cycle Smiths, I never had much dealings with bike shops in the UK but I don't think we called them smiths. Then again I've been thinking in danish so long/often I can't remember many words in English anymore. Unskyld.

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