Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


...to think that this is my 100th blip! I just cannot believe how fast the time has gone since I started. I've learned so much about what I like blipping, the best lighting and blipfoto has really opened my eyes to what is all around me. One of the biggest lessons I've learned is if you see something worth blipping stop and blip it there and then because if you don't you'll regret it! Today's blip was supposed to be of some beautiful red poppies lit up by the evening sun. I saw them on Friday evening after dropping my son at scout camp. They were stunningly beautiful in the sun but instead of stopping to photograph them I thought, I've got enough photos today, I'll take those on Sunday when I come back to fetch my son. Of course, the sun wasn't shining on Sunday, the wind was blowing and the poppies didn't look anywhere near as wonderful. Ah, I thought to myself - I'll pop back tomorrow as these will make a fantastic 100th blip. Well, as you can see - no poppies! Late home from work, cub/scout AGM after work followed by a pizza and the time was getting on when I jumped in my car for my long awaited poppies. I thought I was going to be in luck; what started as a wet, windy day, had turned into a beautiful evening, however I was too late for sunny poppies :-( So my 100th is this instead. I do like the gates and the post, but it's still disappointing.

Thank you to all those who have commented on my photos since I joined, I really value your comments and stars. Thanks to all at blipcentral for making this whole website possible. Here's to the next 100!

Does anyone know why I'm not on the spotlight page? I thought that every 100th entry was put on it :-(

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