
By TheNorman

JayGeeEl <3

Staring in today's post: Johnna Russo (my lovely aunt)

So me and Jasimina had a lovely talk in my smartcar during lunch. We talked about summer plans and just what has to get done after prom to make this summer that much more amazing! But unfortunately we got caught in the rain and had to sprint back into the school.

after that, the day was pretty and cruz had no time to finish the poster but we did however get the inside of the CD case pretty much figured out. which isn't amazingly productive but its something!!

My cousin Andrew's conformation was today. First time i've sat through mass in a really lonngggg time! The best part about the whole thing was the conversations my aunt and i were having. loll shes the best <3

Still have not studied for going to fail

Jammin' To: Zero 7 (usual)

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