Who knew?

By InOtherNews

All Change

You may have noticed my name change. You may think you're looking at a new blipper. You're not. Believe it or not I don't even feel safe enough to put my old username on here. It began with a G, ended in a P and in the middle had an 'A' 'Z' 'I' and 'M'.

So why the caution now? It emerged yesterday that an individual whom I mentioned in my journals had located them using the magic of google. He had then printed those entries off and sent them to the board of directors at Lincoln City, as well as other key figures. The journals were March 1st / March 2nd, and a further one print off was my 'about me' page where I referred to my club as 'crap'. It was suggested that using language like that made me unfit to work with vulnerable people (children). To be fair we finished 91st out of 92 football league teams.

Furthermore he claims me suggesting I wanted to speak to him about his defamatory article was a 'threat of violence' and although I haven't carried it out I 'undoubtedly would do'.

Yeah, because I have a track record of carrying out threats on my private blog. Like that time I chopped up my neighbour with his chainsaw, or flushed Jordans head down the pan.

The thing is I can make light of this but it's incredibly serious. As you know I always found blip my release valve when things were getting on top of me: now everything has been thrown into the open, become common knowledge to people that I am nor more than a casual friend of. He's basically dropped a nail bomb into the centre of my life and sat back to watch the results. Given the effect his actions had on my life in March I expect he'll be most impressed with himself now.

The accusation that I am unfit to work with children is very serious and something I am investigating as we speak. 13 years I have been the matchday mascot and I have never, ever so much as said the work 'bugger' when in earshot of anyone under 16. This accusation is one I am prepared to take a very long way indeed.

As a result I've basically resigned from all my media commitments, resigned from the 12th Man fundraising team and changed my name to one suggested by RtCph the other week. I intend on going back once this has blown over. However I have to try and remain under a veil of secrecy now. Hence the tea towel on my face like a terrorist. Mind you if you were to believe him I am a terrorist, or at the very least a thug and a yob.

Sure. Whatever mate.

Other news? None really. The sad thing is when someone decides to maliciously take your life apart brick by brick screaming that you are a bully, there is very little that can be done. I'll take the relevant legal advice and leave it at that.

Tell you something, it's never plain sailing for me is it? From amazing highs to sewer plumbing lows and back week after week. At least there should be something good around the corner.

Unless the council have issued me with a compulsory purchase order on my house and relocated me to Grimsby, or I find out Leona Lewis is performing in my back garden next week. If she was I'd draw the curtains.

and perforate my eardrums.

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