500 - WTF?!

Arrrgggghhh! After uploading a blip, I then realised that today was my 500th blipday - so made the decision to put a 500th stylee blip up instead of trees blown down in the Meadows.

Hope this doesnt mean Ive lost all the kind comments to go with the tree blip? If so, sorry to the ppl who took time to leave them.

500th blip. Bloody hell.

I remember my 365th, which happened to land on my birthday back in January...that seems such a long time ago.

I still love being part of blip, get tetchy if I get to night time and havent blipped yet and feel so lucky to have this as my addiction hobby.

Im still just using my compact Samsung, and still havent ventured to Photoshop, maybe one day I'll upgrade.....

So much I could say, but it's all been said before.

Thank you to everyone who has ever popped by, left a comment, or subscribed. It means so much. I value all the comments and kind words, and cant imagine not being part of this community.

Blipfoto.............I salute you!!!

Nikki x

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