Gillian and Nick

By gillianandnick

We've come a long way baby

We have come a long way - particularly when you look at this. Not all the babies are here, we're missing Thomas, Max, Joe and Emre.....but they're getting difficult to pin down these days!

I'm going back to work on Monday, so I hosted my last Thursday tea party. It feels very sad, and Findlay and I will will miss them all terribly.

The girls have been great, I've loved having people to share the good times, the confusing times, the sleep deprived times....all the 'times' with, and of course importantly they are actually interested in hearing that Findlay is a bit hot and should I give him Calpol or is it teething, or have I just put too many clothes on him?? Thanks girls!

Fortunately, while Thursday tea parties will continue running in our absence, we have also started monthly evenings out, minus the if I have any more concerns about Findlay's temp etc etc I should bo OK!

p.s. I liked this one as it almost looks like Findlay is putting his thumb up!

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