Ben's View

By bendobb

Kew the music

This is the Palm House at Kew Gardens. What an amazing place. Over 300 acres full of rare and wonderful trees and plants, and dotted with dozens of lovely buildings and green houses.

Only had a quick visit to the Palm house, because they had to close it early to try and spray attack some insect infestation they had. Nice.

It's a beautiful Victorian structure. Apparently considered one of the most important Victorian iron and glass structures in the world! That must put it up there with.... erm....

Anyway, we had a great time, and Amelie enjoyed it too. She didn't enjoy the London traffic on the way home, but we got her down eventually. So it's now time to kick back with a bottle of beer and admire my newly sunburnt neck.

Tomorrow - Greenwich, Shoreditch and Whitechapel. Bring it on.

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