
By FauxPunk


Well. This has been peeing me off for a couple of days now. Is this $h1t news?

How is my life enriched, enhanced, improved, or any way bettered by knowing that Ryan Giggs took out a super injunction? How is anybody's life bettered by that? (other than the 'journalists' and perhaps the woman in question?) I'm sure his children have a better life now that it's all out in the open.

And this fricking ash cloud... is it just me, or have we had aeroplanes for quite some time now? And volcanoes for even longer? And I'm pretty sure that in the time period between man's first flight and last year, volcanoes didn't call a truce on erupting. I can never recall a news story about planes falling out of the sky or exploding mid-flight because of volcanic ash clouds. Yet in the 2nd decade of the 21st century one of Earth's oldest natural phenomena becomes one of the most high-profile threats to one of mankind's greatest technological advances? Bah!

Now that that's off my chest, we did better in the quiz today... we were officially less sucky.

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