Arbutus in Bloom
Last fall there was some discussion about arbutus trees in Tuscany and Ireland and we decided that the arbutus here in the Northwest is a different species ((menziesli) from the mediterranean "strawberry tree" (A.unedo) It was called "madrono", in California which is spanish for "strawberry tree". They both have the red peeling bark and evergreen leaves. Freespiral in Ireland and Tuscany Molly both had the strawberry tree that blooms and has red berries the same fall season. This one has these lovely white clusters of blossoms in spring and red berries in the fall. This one leans over our beach so I could get some sky above it.
One Salish myth from my pacific NW Coast plant book is:"Pitch used to go fishing before the sun rose, and then retire to the shade before it became strong. One day he was late and had just reached the beach when he melted. Other people rushed to share him. Douglas-fir arrived first and secured most of the pitch, which he poured over his head and body. Grand fir obtained only a little, and by the time Arbutus arrived there was none left. therefore, Arbutus has no pitch to this day."
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