Only prayer is Thank You

By gr8tfulkaren

Simple Joys

The first simple pleasure of the day? A "woof" at my front door this morning and Trevor was home. I heart him.

The second? Lily blowing bubbles in my back yard. Lily's older sister, Sophie or Kiki, is Kailey's good friend. They were both at the house for a while this evening. I caught Lily in the back yard as precious as ever blowing bubbles.

I adore toddlers. I know most people dread those years but I believe they are the best years of raising a child. Lily is a little person who is developing her interests and finding out what she likes and dislikes. She is completely open minded and without prejudice. Yet she is old enough to voice her opinion. She makes me want another. For a minute. And she loves Trevor. Whenever she comes to visit, her first words are " Hi, Karen. Where's Trevor?"

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