All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Only just a heron blip!

Ethan was up at 5.20am today. Not sure how long he'd been yelling for though as we discovered the baby monitor was switched off! Hubbie is really good at getting up with him though when he wakes at silly o'clock so took him downstairs for his milk and playtime. Meanwhile I curled up in bed a while longer as I still felt really rough.

Decided to walk over to The Gyle at lunchtime to get some fresh air. As I stepped out the door, there on the lochan in front of me was a heron, in a perfect pose! I've heard that there is a resident heron on the estate but have never in the 11 years I've worked there, actually seen it. So I whipped out my camera, but as I did so, the 2 women in front of me spotted it too, shrieked "oooh look" very loudly, and startled it. The heron flew a bit further down the water so I followed it, but each time I got close, it flew off again. Out of the pictures I took of it, this is the only one which isn't a blurry one of it in flight!

(Have also backblipped for yesterday).

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