time and space

By max01

Pool at night

I always carry my camera around but just this once I didn't have it this evening, when, in the main square, there was a street photography event - you could just stick up an A3 photo on a notice board, and lots and lots of people did. They all had massive cameras around their necks and everyone was taking photos of the event and each other. Some really lovely images aswell were pinned up.

But I didn't have my camera, so instead, I'll share with you one of tonight's OU course assignment pictures - I'm still trying to figure out exposure bla bla bla. I got bitten to pieces by the mosquitos but was very systematic and noted down all the camera settings for each shot. This was the wierdest one as it also includes a reflection of a piece of the sky behind the next door neighbour's house. I'm sure when I get time I'll try and change the lighting a bit in photoshop (I say this casually, as if I have done it already millions of times - but no. only the once...)

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