
I spotted this little guy as I arrived back at the flat tonight. Fantastic camouflage - he looked just like a leaf until I looked closer.

In an effort to bring my fitness levels up for my bike ride, I played five-a-sides with some of my work colleagues tonight. Only trouble was, it ended up being four a side which meant much more running (or my approximation to running). I ended up with two skint knees, a strained wrist when I stopped myself running into a wall, a ball in the face and an exceedingly sore chest as my lungs exploded and my heart tried to escape.

I reckon there is a around a 2 second delay between my brain registering that I have to move quickly and my legs obeying. There also seems to be a translation problem between my brain picturing what my feet have to do and what my feet actually end up doing.

I've had a hot bath, put Savlon on my knees and have taken a Solpadeine. I know getting out of bed tomorrow is going to be a problem....

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