
By TheNorman

Can You See My Mustache Now?

Big Bubbleeee !

Inspiration for today's blip.....I found this very large bubblemakerstickthingy so i went around my room making bubblesss! i eventually got a clear picture

So today was the Art Show! thanks for everyone who came out! lol it was a good night:)

Went to MooLaLa with Cort, Nick, Gooch and Drew afterwards. We had a great time :) I just loveeee it sooooo muchhh.... and Ryan and Jas if you're reading this....IK im a fool for not inviting you sorry. but by the time we left you were sleeping jas and still mad at you!

Ah! i love Scott Pilgrim! this movie/soundtrack is just amazingness! im gonna listen to this as i finish physics and try and work on my poetry presentation....Good Night!!

Jammin' To: Clash of Deamonhead

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