If You Could See Me Now


High Speed Flash.


it's been a while! I have backblipped!

Whats been happening:

1. This was taken in class! We were throwing darts through water ballons/shooting balloons and eggs... It was a hard choice to make - this was the first shot I took ;)

2. We have a new assignment due on the 7th of July (which also happens to be a year with Nick) Oh and if anyone knows anyone who would be willing to model in the CHCH area PLEASE let me know :)

3. The supermarket has been out of peach ice tea since Tuesday! Slack right!?

4. Very tired and a little bit sick... Not fun at all!

It's been a packed week all round!!! Last day of the week today THANK GOD!

I have an experiment i'm trying out tomorrow that is VERY cool!

Stayed tuned to see if it works!

I'm off to sort out what i'm doing for my assignment and Watching DR WHO later!

Hope everyone is good :)


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