
By CleanSteve

Front page news

Lasst week I was asked by a fellow Trustee of the Stroud Preservation Trust if I could take some pictures of the handover of the key to the Brunel Goods Shed, in Stroud, which we have been responsible for looking after.

I duly obliged when Anne and Camilla of the Trust met with Neil of the Stroud Valleys Artspace. He brought a bottle of fizz and we duly imbibed. I sent the paper four pictures to accompany their article a week ago, as Camilla has subsequently gone abroad and couldn't be around this week.

Imagine my surprise and great pleasure when the Stroud Life newspaper dropped through the letterbox, with my picture splashed across the front page. Yay!!! And another picture next to the article inside. I am rather pleased with the quality of the final image on the page, considering how rubbish they can look sometimes. There is nothing like being published to cheer you up. The fact that there was no money didn't upset me too much, but they did credit me.

I have back-blipped the last two days of my trip to Dorset below.

Patrick Harpur and the Dorset dolmen

Moth eaten

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