
There was much wind today. During my walk in lunch break I found a small stalk with flowers from a salvia (I think?!) 'blowing in the wind'.

At home I put it in a small vase and chose a big discoloured leaf from a begonia as background. And then I tried to make a macro photo without a specific macro lens.

Here is the technical information about the arrangement: I used an Olympus E-5 camera, a macro led ring, a 25mm lens + extension tube (Olympus Digital Ex-25) + seperate multi coloured led light (white, red, yellow, green, blue) + remote control. Distance from lens to subject 0.4"! Lookin' at the screen (Life view) and playing with the light a complete different view on a stalk with flowers of a salvia 'is born'. The enlargement is 3:1 (no cropping!).

Hope you like the result of this macro experiment ... :)

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