live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

I don't want to miss this chance

to photograph the real model, and it's free to photograph him and his friends.
after coming to a company and doing interview with the head of department of finance *it's the 4th step*, i went to Senayan City to buy Takoyaki, was craving it for long time, finally i can eat it this evening. then when i walked to the downstair, i saw something from far, oh there's an opening for new cloth store, and there are some models who are demonstrating their clothes store. so i don't want to miss this chance to photograph them. i took lots of photos, but i choose this one, because eheeemm.. isn't he cute? i wish i could take him home. ha ha!

talk about interview, it's the 4th step, what will happen after this step? do they call me to hire me and talk about the salary for this job? i hope so.. fingers crossed.

My deep condolence to my bestfriend(A)'s dad, in the afternoon her dad had an accident at his work. My other bestfriend called me to ask me to come to A's house to visit A's father. But not long after my friend called me, A put a status on her FB that her father is dead, has passed away. Oh God, i was so shock read this new. RIP to my bestfriend dad. i'm so sorry i can't come to your house this afternoon, i got a call to do interview in the company. I'm sorry my friend. Hopefully your papa charity and worship accepted by God, please be patient and sincere my friend. Hugs to you.. xx

BTW again,
Hei blippers, do you have a FB account? if you have, Could you please help me? I need you sweet thumb to like this image . please help me.. thank you before :)

Have a wonderful day all!

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