Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Green House

Emergency blip today as I've been home all day 'working' from home. Had some people due at the house so I waited in for that. Got plenty done.

The greenhouse here is symbolic. I like the fact that it is impossible to get to and yet you can still see it. Kinda like my dreams and goals I suppose. Although it isn't nettles stopping me, its a relatively poor bank balance, debt, and a personality that you could grate cheese with.

Getting a new TV at some point today as well. 40" of gadget porn. Get in. I might not have a life companion but at least I can see the crap on TV much bigger than usual. Going to give my old 32" (pah) to my Mum.

I didn't get it from Cash Converters either (turning teles in heroin since 1988). I often wander around to have a look at the sort of things smackheads are stealing these days, and occasionally buy something. Mind you I avoid going into town these days because the general public tend to get on my wick.

Got a new phone to (in a deal that brings the TV into my life), and this one does everything I want: makes calls. Sends texts. That's it. My other one (HTC Desire, does for phones what Hitler did for multiculturalism) will now be consigned to the window ledge until I leave for work. It's a work phone. That's why I have to keep it close by. It never sent texts properly, never received calls properly, but had a lovely live wallpaper of the world going round and round. Which is useless when you want to talk to someone, but great for impressing morons who think animated phones are the cats ankles.

Kirky over in a bit (theres a surprise) for an ass kicking on FIFA and some general chit chat about shit thats occuring. In my life the following is occcuring: nowt. I eat, sleep, work and bath (not always in that order and sometimes simultaneously). I occasionally sit about wondering how I got to 32 without picking up on of them 'girlfriends' everyone seems to despise so much, and yet still manage to have a house of my own, a car, a job, a nemesis and brass in my pocket. Maybe thats why.

I kinda like having a nemesis, someone who is my arch enemy. If I ever turn into a superhero (Giner-Boy, or The Incredible Sulk) then he'l be my evil opponent (Nobbs, or The Prick). I'll not wear a cape and spandex though as it doesn't do much for my thighs.

I think that is all. Hoping a fellow blipper gets the chance she wants as well. I did plan a good luck blip but was told not to.

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