My girl is not well,so what does her .....
Mother do... she shoves a camera in her face and says.. wake up and just look at me.. go on.... no don't close your eye's Mummy has not blipped yet... I shall buy you something... there's a good girl ;) .... she's all dosed up with paracetamol and watching The Simpsons,we love the Simpsons as they are simple and rude,just like us lot ;)
Mr W is home,we are all relieved as it means food and a slave lovely person to fetch us stuff....
I have been playing happily with the settings on my camera,I take a photo LOVE IT and then promptly forget what I did as I faffed about with the dials afterwards :D I got used to my brain years ago,but I know it annoys others..... which is ALWAYS a bonus xxx
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