Sari Kiz

By sarikiz

Bloody Builders

I work in a lovely ye olde London towne no-doubt-Dickens-walked-down here type street in Clerkenwell. Just a few doors down we have a fab old pub called the Jerusalem Tavern (actually it's an old house and only a pub since the 1990s, but I digress). However, some rich city/trendy more-money-than-sense types have decided to build a massive extension on the lovely Georgian house next door to our office and into the narrow back yard space. [Think Kevin and Grand Designs]. The noises that arise from the site are varied yes, but bloody horrendously annoying. They have been working since August and have only completed the space for the f**k off rich person's wine cellar. I don't hate easily, but I hate the people who are doing this. Just go away.

* I risked life and limb to bring this blip to you by climbing on the sinks in the ladies loo. I hope you are grateful.

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