
Tonight I was doing photos for my schools fund raising fun run... this involves everyone running around the outskirts of the school playing field as many times as you can in 15 mins. There are stations where you have to get your card ticked at each lap and then prizes are awarded to the winners in different age categories.... there is also a BBQ, Beer Tent and various stalls and activities after..... considering it had been raining all day there was a huge turn out.... probably around 80 kids (its a small village school) plus parents and other family members....

So this little munkjack came to visit during the activities. I managed to stop a group of 20 kids and smaller sub groups chasing her.... amazingly she wasn't bothered and continued to stop and eat... look around... it is the same one that lives in my friends garden blipped previously....

This was taken while it stopped by the school outdoor play frame.... as you can see she could hop through the fence at any time.. there is no wire and just fields the other side...

She apparently has a reputation in the village for eating everyone's plants... some were heard to say they would like see this gorgeous creature shot... surely not.... how could they...

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