With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It's not Toothsday, itths Thursthsday

The exams go on and on and we are pulling our hair out.

I tried getting some shots of pupils' pupils and got this one in before I put the camera away, knowing that I'd never really get anything of the baking heat or anything else after work. Caught up again with orisit (hurrah!) for an hour, and then Tommy came for his tea and sheared the boys and gave me a trim too. Not this drastic though.

The boys were up at 5.20 this morning and I couldn't remember why. But I've finally rememebered that litte A had lost another tooth yesterday and was up all excited, counting his savings into the electronic robot moneybox, triumphantly adding the new coin. (That was a tiny miracle - he'd changed ends of the bed, unwrapped the tiny tooth from it's hanky and I just remembered at the last minute to remind the tooth fairy and the tooth mouse to sneak in and find it before it was lost forever in the dust of doom under the mattress).

This poor old skull is a real one. Makes me shiver a little, but I also feel very priveliged to hold it and marvel at it's wonders, teeth and all.

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