22 srutis

By 22srutis

Lucy at the dog park

Arrived in California twelve and a half hours after leaving Massachusetts well before the crack of dawn this morning. After picking up the car -- No, I don't want a bigger car for just $5 more a day. No, I don't need more insurance. No, I don't want to pay for refueling the car now. No, thank you, no. -- and taking photographs of the dents (d'ya want me to post those here?) already there, and finally finding my sister on a street corner, we transferred the dog to the rental, she went back to work, and Lucy and I went to the dog park.

I maybe slept 5 hours last night. I maybe slept 3-1/2 the night before (it was just one of those nights). I can't say Lucy had a proper amount of time at the park but she enjoyed herself. I haven't seen her in a year. She's much more mature. She's much less afraid of other Shepherds and stuck closer to me than she did last year. (Maybe she thought that my sister asked her to watch me rather than the other way around.)

I managed to take every wrong turn possible leaving the park but my GPS is ever so patient. She says, "Turn around when possible" rather than "Recalculating" like the old one I left on a plane 2 visits ago. But finally found my way to the freeway and drove, well, mostly crawled in traffic, back to the house where Lucy and I both are resting up for when my sister and her partner get home from work.

Anyway, she's a lovely dog and this is a lovely spot looking out over some bridge or another in the San Francisco Bay area.

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