
By Meandertall

The Ugly competition

Why was I drawn to make this image? My last few blips have really scared off the viewers and commenters - so nail it home .

It is a perpetual debate that we have about graffiti or tagging, always seems to kick up the same arguments. Is there another way to see it. I reckon these youngsters (assumption) grow up being told what to do by a sign at every turn of their lives, More signs than ever, shops, schools, playgrounds, let alone road signs telling them what they must and must not do. It must surely be quite instinctive for them to post their own signs.

When I see these I sometimes get the feeling the scribbler (assumption) wants to express something. And here as so often, the skill to communicate that just isn't there, I also appears that only a very select few in the know , can see what said character wants to say. But then maybe they haven't actually got anything to say.

But right after the all too easy to find criticism thumps down again, as you can see someone has attempted to tidy up the repeated tagging on this little retaining wall. It being the commonly held view that tagging is a blight. Yet this bank which stretches for 50 metres or so is maintained as a bare earth strip. no plant is allowed to grow here. Not only must the tagger conform he (assumption) is in the good company of mother nature. And just as the weeds will be back, so the tagger, it's just the nature of things.

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