A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Hidden garden

Today we resumed our Millennium way walks around Bradford after almost exactly a month. This was due to being away in early May and then my walking companion going off for two weeks to walk around the Isle of Wight.

Last time we walked it was very hot and the fields, trees and paths were still, in their Spring garb. Today it was much more summer flora, significantly the paths were edged with tall nettles and the fields, in some cases, tall, wet grass after our recent rain.
The walk was from Silsden to Addingham crossing from Airedale into Wharfedale through predominantly farm land. Some lambs were being 'treated' with something in pens and the horrendous bleating by lambs and sheep alike could be heard for miles.

We came to a small road and tyhis garden was visible over the wall. It may have been built around a natural pond or spring sunk at the bottom of this field but it seemed very odd that it was probably not visible at all from the farm house above. You can just see the fence at the back of the farm at the top r.h. side. I caught a glimpse of the ducks but having looked at the download there also appears to be a cross - perhaps a memorial garden of some kind? Anyway not what you expect to find in the middle of a field in Yorkshire!

Happy Friday everyone - have a great weekend

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