Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Protests for Real Democracy

This is in Plaza Catalunya, the main square in Barcelona, where people have been camping out and protesting for a couple of weeks now for real democracy. It's all been fairly peaceful, with parents and grandparents of the young protesters providing round the clock food and drink. I had to go into school today for a meeting and the police presence was huge and helicopters were circling overhead, as they tried to clear the square. Roads were blocked off and the air was filled with sirens. A few of my colleagues in school were visibly nervous and jumpy as their uni age children were in the heart of things there. I imagine the clean up has something to do with the Barca-Man United European Cup Final match tomorrow night here as Plaza Catalunya would normally be a focal point for celebrations if Barca wins. As you can see here though, many protesters refused to budge and the atmosphere on the square itself was peaceful.

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