The Keendom

By lookeengood

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Today was a very tired day in the Keendom. Baby Keen had decided to wake up just as we were getting into bed about 10:30pm last night and would not settle. Everytime I left the room she screamed and screamed. At one point she fell alseep mid cry, only to wake up crying again just as I fell back to sleep. Eventually she settled down and I managed to get to sleep about 2:45am only to be woken again at 7am! - Gah, the woes of a teething baby and her Mummy.

So ,today, we lazed around and decided to pick Daddy Keen up from work this afternoon.

I almost forgot to take a picture from today (...again!) so was brave and snuck in to Baby Keen's room & kept my fingers crossed the flash wouldn't wake her!

Thankfully, it didn't!!

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