As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


School was pointless today. More than half of the school was out. It took forever, but when the day finally ended, I went to the eye doctor, tutored, and then the fun began. Meg drove me to Panera for a lovely dinner with her, Jasmina, her cousin, Lou, and Kyle. That was fun. Then we walked to Pier1 Imports and spent an hour looking at all of the funny stuff in there. We played with giant forks and spoons and tried on a bunch of masks (seen above). Kyle is on the left, Jas in the middle, and Meg on the end. Then we drove to the Greek fair. It wasn't too fun so we went to Peter's and had a fire in his yard. Me and Jas are going to be good friends. I can see it already.

Word of the Day: Dudgeon - A state or fit of intense indignation

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