1 Day Older

By nzredhead

At the Airport

Christchurch airport has had a massive overhaul! It is huge and super freaking shiny. Sebastian's Aunt George left for Auckland for a couple of days today. We thought we would take Seb to see the planes but we got a little distracted by everything else. Seb and I went exploring. Along they way we met an American hockey team, some random families that he tried to join, a new girlfriend (his touched her bum >.<) and his own reflection on the very shiny floor.

I let him take a run around the end of the terminal that is just empty space and this shot was taken and he was trying to get away.

This afternoon, we went to see my parents. This first time I have seen them since the earthquake. Their house is in a somewhat interesting state and what remains of their belongings needs to be packed away. I helped Mum get her computer all sorted with software and programs and Alex tried to fix Dad's computer. It is a near impossible task with all the damage from the earthquake.

Tonight it seems will be another sleepless night. The 5th one. I think he must be going through one of those "testing the boundaries" phases.

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