What you looking at? Part 5!

So today was a great day!

Breakfast and on the road, I had a few beers last night so the responsible thing to do was let Andrea drive.....I'm good like that!

We drove up to Katoomba to catch the Steam Train (Lauchlan if anyone is interested) to Mt Victoria for a winter fare/steam train day! It was fun but to be honest the train journey was the best bit!

This wee man was in the next carriage and was in every shot I took hanging out of the window so I guessed I should atleast use one with him in focus!

Oh and Andrea's engagement ring turned up last week, it was coming from Scotland. I didn't tell her it had arrived so on the return journey in the Steam Train I got down on one knee and asked if she would marry me.....she said yes!! To be fare she did ask me last year and I said yes then.....it only took us 9 months to get a engagement ring!! Anyways I got to ask in the end !!

So yeah as I said it was a good day.....oh and the Swanies won (just) so it was a doubly good day.....oh and my favorite bottle shop had a whole load of new beers in.....so triply good !!

But the engagement is clearly the best thing !!

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