Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Common Blue

.... Well, at least I think it is.

Strange what happens sometimes. I set out to photograph some old gravestones dating back to 17 something or other and came across some blue butterflies as well. These guys are difficult enough to shoot as they flit to and fro at a ferocious rate and are very camera shy. However it was a cold morning and they hadn't quite gotten themselves up to speed when I turned up. I expected this one to take flight at any second but he/she didn't and just kind of sat there shivering. Got a few terrible shots showing the wings spread wide open too but not really sharp enough due to poor technique and a stiff seaside breeze. This is probably the best of the lot. Shot the gravestones too but they will still be there another day.
For the record, as Molly might have said, Samsung GX1s, standard kit lens with a No.2 and No.4 close up attachments screwed onto the business end.
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend!

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