nogbad's blips

By nogbad

So here it is...........

According to Blipfoto this is my 365th blip - how on earth did that happen? I had considered doing all sorts of strange things and staging shots around the theme of "one" or anniversaries to celebrate but in the end went back to an old favourite. I first blipped this rose in June and again in August and now it's coming into flower again. And it's red which is appropriate.

Looking through the blips I've posted I found that for many I remembered the story behind the shot; why I was wherever I was or why I'd taken a particular photo. Strange to have a journal that is as powerful as this; the images help with recall far more than words alone might.

Sincere thanks to everyone has commented during the past year and to all those people posting wonderful blips which inspire and entertain and show me places and sights I wouldn't otherwise see. It's Sarah's fault that I'm here so a very big thanks to her. And thank's to Blipfoto for being here and enabling such a generous and supportive community of sharers.

Of course I realise that I might click "submit" and then see that my glasses are a mess and the number isn't 365. If that's the case please just carry on as though nothing has happened :-)

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