Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Layette me get one thing straight....

This weekend has all been about ignoring the fact that 50% of our friends are at a massive all weekend techno fest in honour of our friend Scottie's 30th birthday and instead being constructive in terms of getting stuff done.

More stuff. Stuff. Stuff. Stuff.

I always said 'you can never have enough stuff' and I truly mean it - so long as the stuff I'm referring to is shiny things, funky things, un-necessary things that make me/my house/my desk etc look cool. Good stuff. Stuff that makes people think 'That Abi, she's pretty cool' know, shoes, books, CDs, bags, bangles, eye glitter (and the list goes on and on and on), kitchen things, fridge magnets, folders, pictures, tiles, wallpaper etc etc etc.

I am glad that I didn't log this 'you can never have enough stuff' theory with any important body that meant I wasn't allowed to back track and say things like 'ah - but you CAN have enough stuff when stuff means doing shit that is not fun and costs a lot and has to be done in favour of doing other shit like going for meals and seeing friends and buying afore mentioned cool stuff and so on'.

That is a relief....

Where was I?

Oh yes - stuff. So this weekend's stuff has involved the Room of Doom (otherwise known as the baby's room). It is still the biggest shit pit this side of Leith but at least now - in among the amps and cables and vinyl and tools and weights and bikes and all that crap - now, there are 2 beautiful white chest of drawers, a moses basket on a stand, a changing mat, a bath box thing full of breast pads and disposable pants (I don't know, I don't know but someone said I needed them), a plastic bath seat thingy and a picture without a frame but that will look really cool* in the room when it is occupied by the baby and not occupied by all the shite of the day.

This buzz of baby related activity is down to a really weird & very confusing sentence I read in THE BOOK on Friday and was fortunately cleared up by my lovely Mum on Saturday.

In among helpful tips and information on what I need to do to prepare for the baby coming and how to get my head round the fact (remember this week was all about the lists...) this sentence jumped out.

""Lay in the baby's clothes...this is really happening"

Eh? Lay in the baby's clothes? I had heard of skin to skin contact but this was a bit much surely? Up till now THE BOOK had been full of practical and realistic advice for people like me, not for weirdos so I couldn't quite work out what the hell laying in the baby's clothes was going to do for me or the baby.

I am SO glad I didn't venture forth and start asking my team of advisors (otherwise known as my mates). I had visions of waiting till Bry was out of the house and spreading all the baby gro's and vests and things on our bed, de-robing and then rolling around the bed like a cat getting it's next catnip fix. I even broke the whole thing right down to wondering if I should wash first or just go for it and let the clothes get my scent as it was.

Fortunately, on the phone the next morning mum told me that I need to sort out my 'layette' for everything we'll need when the baby first all fell into place after that. A quick shoofty on google and bingo - things clicked together like a game of connect 4.

The clothes were spared of the ill fate that was nearly upon them.


*this picture would fit RIGHT into the first 'stuff' category

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