World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis

Did a lot today, so tired now! Went and saw the Hangover 2 this morning with some friends. It wasn't as good as the first, but still would have preferred Pirates 4. After we had this church function thing at a restaurant which was good cause I was sooo hungry! But had to MC the event so didn't get to eat for ages. It was still pretty good though. Everybody scrubs up well =]

After church I guess we went to pool, I suck so hard at it haha, need to get better, the only times I have really played have been drunken moments so I don't think I am the best at playing.

Some of my old friends from high school have just moved into a house today so I stopped by to say hi. So jealous! Wish I could move out so bad, but can't afford it, oh well, will just go over and bum around at their place haha.

So tired right now, need to sleep more, but I have to finish a presentation for class so will probably end up going to bed at a ridiculous hour, one draw back to uni, never getting enough sleep. At least I know everyone else is feeling the same way!

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