

Water in the basement!

If you haven't already heard, we've had a lot of rain this spring. In fact, from what I've heard, we got a month's worth of rain in about 2.5 days. This amount of rain over a short period of time is unusual here. As a result, flooding and water related problems have been rampant in SE Michigan; often in area's that usually don't experience flooding. I heard of one incident where a whole basement wall gave way to a rush of mud and water. When put into perspective this is not so bad.

This basement is in a rental property we own. It's between tenants so there was very little in the basement to be lost. The damage seems only to walls and that can be dried and/or replaced. I went over to the house Thursday night to take the trash out and discovered about 3 inches of clear water. After purchasing a submersible pump and getting most of the water pumped out I realized it was still coming in through a drain in the floor. Nothing to do at that point but to let it flow. This is taken upon my return Friday afternoon. Similar sight and about as much water as the night before.

I can report that there was less water on Saturday and the flow had decreased substantially; to the point where I could keep ahead of it with a shop vac after the pump out. We have fans and dehumidifiers running now. And, I'll be meeting with a plumber $oon to $ee how we can addre$$ the $ituation.

Again, in the grand scheme of life, this is just a small inconvenience.

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